Customer segmentation boosts revenue growth and online rating
Our hospitality client struggled to gain a unified view of their customers across cross-functional teams. They needed a real-time, consolidated PowerBI dashboard to segment customers based on profitability, engagement, and visit frequency.
The EIS team delivered a comprehensive end-to-end solution, consolidating data from the client's booking system across different channels, payment data from Xero, and inbound and outbound customer service call data. Our solution included technical leadership and guidance, data extraction, categorization, cleansing, and classification, as well as the creation of reference data for profit bands per the client's definition.
We implemented a fully automated process for data capture, cleansing, classification, and metric calculation, visualising customer segmentation in a user-friendly PowerBI dashboard. This provided a single point of reference for cross-functional teams, ensuring everyone worked from the same up-to-date customer information.
The project resulted in fully automated data integration across bookings, payments, and customer service engagements, delivering a real-time, consolidated customer information dashboard for cross-functional alignment. Our client saw a 12% revenue increase by re-engaging less active customers and targeting loyalty offers for regular customers based on segmentation insights.
What can data integration and powerful customer segmentation marketing do for you, you ask? The answer is engage customers, increase brand loyalty, boost revenue and more. Contact us today to get started.